Grantham Village School Home

Out There Starts Here! It’s the way we think about learning at Grantham School District. Starting here, surrounded by a strong community, our students get a solid foundation for whatever direction they choose to go.  Our students start here with discovery and learning, great friendships, good citizenship, physical wellness, social emotional learning, and a sense of responsibility for the world around us.  From our town to the world, we do everything in our power to make sure that every child gets an extraordinary beginning for a long healthy life of adventure, play, and success in the world out there.
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2024 SAS Testing Dates coming soon!

Each year, New Hampshire public and chartered public schools are required by state law (RSA 193-C) and federal accountability laws (Every Student Succeeds Act) to assess students using a standardized assessment. At Grantham Village School students in grades 3 through 6 will participate in the English Language Arts (Reading and Writing) and Mathematics assessments. Our 5th grade students will also be assessed in Science. Grantham Village School will administer these assessments at the end of May - the writing portion was administered in March. It is beneficial if you try to avoid scheduling appointments or vacations during the testing dates. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and good breakfast, prior to testing. Let us know if your child will not be here on the scheduled testing date as we need to arrange for a make up time.
For more details, see the following letter to GVS parents.