Horizon Science Academy Toledo Home


Recent News

Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence

Our final Jaguar Jubilee Celebration took place yesterday. Thank you to our alumni for attending and for helping us commemorate our new Jaguar Jubilee Spirit Rock.

Discover our School

Horizon Science Academy Toledo is a public charter school serving Kindergarten through twelfth grades managing by Concept Schools.  Concept Schools is a nonprofit charter management organization that provides a high-quality, STEM-focused and college-preparatory education through a network of charter schools while offering exceptional programs, comprehensive services, and opportunities to partner in education.
HSA Toledo students in class

About Us

The Mission of our school is to provide a safe and enriching learning environment where the whole student is nurtured and developed. Our teachers and administrators pledge to support the academic and emotional wellbeing of each and every student. Students will leave our school prepared with skills and knowledge that will give them advantages throughout their future educational and life experiences.

At A Glance

  • 2004 Founded
  • K-12 Grades Served
  • 535 Target Enrollment
  • 1:1 Technology