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Revere City Council Approved Bond for New High School

Dear Colleagues, School Committee Members, Members of the RHS School Building Committee,

I am beyond ecstatic to share that last night, by a vote of 9-2, the Revere City Council approved the bond authorization for just over $493 million for the construction of a new Revere High School at the site of the old Wonderland dog track. This is truly a historic moment for the city.

We started this process just over 8 years ago with our first application to the MSBA for funding support. There have been several stops and starts, especially around the cost and the city’s ability to afford the project. We anticipate about $238 million in funding from the MSBA, which leaves the city with a burden of just over $254 million. We should all be thankful to the city’s elected officials and leaders for taking on this enormous financial commitment and also for committing so strongly to the future of Revere’s youth. This was not an easy decision given the implications for city finances and the impact such a cost will have on budget constraints across all areas of city services in order to avoid putting the financial burden on community members. 

We should also be thankful to the RHS Student Senate, who raised their voices when the project was at risk, the School Committee and the School Building Committee for the many hours they put into meetings and material preparations, and the staff at the MSBA who stood by and supported us through project challenges.

We are about four, maybe five years, away from project completion, which may sound like a long time, but it’s only half the time it has taken us to get where we are today. The final building parameters will become clearer as we move into the design development phase. The next year or so will be about finalizing the design plan, permitting the land, and preparing for construction, which we anticipate will begin in the in the spring or summer of 2025. Please note that we will be calling on folks to help guide the design process. I hope you will consider participating.

Congratulations to all, especially the RHS staff members and those of you who are parents of young Revere students.

Dianne K. Kelly, Ed.D.
Revere Public Schools