Woodbury city public schools Logo
Woodbury city public schools
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  • A Leader in
    Personalizing Education

    Building upon our history, diversity, and beliefs, the mission of the Woodbury City Public Schools, a leader in personalizing education, is to ensure each child becomes a responsible member of our society who excels in his or her endeavors and meets life’s challenges with courage, confidence, and pride; this is accomplished by utilizing proven instructional strategies and innovative methods by highly skilled and dedicated individuals in partnership with families, our city, and the global community.

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Woodbury at a glance

  • Glance1


    Grade Levels Served
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  • Glance3


    Student-Teacher Ratio
  • Why do our students love our schools?

    Students learn effectively with our smaller class sizes

    Interactive whiteboards are in almost every classroom

    Students can play a sport, march in the band, perform in the
    musical and join clubs all in the same year

    Students choose from a vast array of Advanced Placement (AP) classes

    Learn More