smiling young boy with dark blonde hair wearing a gray t-shirt with orange & white stripes

Braxtyn is always happy when he arrives at school. He is friendly to all his classmates and loves playing with them during gross motor times! Braxtyn is always willing to help his teachers and classmates.

- PreK

orange & white trojan logo

Dakota comes to school eager to learn! He is kind to his classmates and willing to share with them.

- PreK

smiling young boy with blonde hair wearing a blue t-shirt

I am pleased with the progress Razi is making. He enjoys doing science activities with our class. He has also been working hard on counting and writing his numbers.

- Kindergarten

smiling young girl missing a front tooth with light brown hair pulled back wearing a light pink t-shirt

Masyn is a bright student. She has made so many improvements this year and I'm so proud of her.

- Kindergarten

young boy with dark blonde hair wearing a green t-shirt

Reid is a sweet boy who I have enjoyed having in class. He is always ready to start the day and tries his very best.

- 1st Grade

smiling young boy with blonde hair wearing a black t-shirt

Trace is a polite boy who does his work to the best of his ability. I have enjoyed having Trace in class.

- 1st Grade

smiling young girl with brown hair  wearing a light purple t-shirt

Sophie has shown so much growth this year in first grade! She has a kind soul and is sensitive to the needs and feelings of her classmates. She is always willing to help out a fellow classmate if he/she is having a rough day. I'm proud of her achievements this year!

- 1st Grade

young boy with dark blonde hair wearing a roblox t-shirt

Wyatt is a ray of sunshine in our classroom! He is always on task, respectful, and gives 100% to everything that he does. I will miss him next year as he transitions to second grade!

- 1st Grade

young girl with long brown hair wearing a pink t-shirt

Gracie is a kind girl who brings a great attitude into the classroom. She is very sweet and loves to help her classmates.

- 2nd Grade

smiling young boy with dark brown hair wearing black earrings and a black hoodie

Christian is a great student. He is always willing to help out however he can. He loves helping his classmates with challenging problems, and he is great to have in class.

- 2nd Grade

smiling girl with brown braids wearing a light blue t-shirt

Emma is such a sweet girl. She greets me every morning with a hug and a smile. She has worked so hard this year and never gave up. I will miss her enthusiastic personality.

- 2nd Grade

smiling girl with blonde hair pulled back wearing glasses and a black t-shirt

Peyton is an absolute joy to have in the classroom! She eagerly participates, is quick to help, and always comes in with a smile on her face! She is so positive and happy and genuinely makes our class a happier place to be!

- 3rd Grade

smiling girl with long, light brown hair wearing a purple hoodie

Layna is a joy to have in class. She is always kind and respectful to the other students and is a good friend to many. She works hard and never complains about the work that she does. She is so positive and easygoing.

- 3rd Grade

grinning girl with long, dark brown hair wearing a pink zipped-up jacket

It has been a joy to have Jordynn in class this year. Her sweet spirit and kindness are evident to everyone who meets her.

- 4th Grade

girl with messy dark blonde hair pulled back wearing a pink t-shirt

Audrey always works hard and tries her best. She doesn't complain but is always positive. Her good vibes are contagious!

- 4th Grade

grinning girl with long, light brown hair with blue streaks wearing a tan & maroon hoodie

Miyah is a terrific student to have in class. She keeps her focus on her work and is always ready to help others and myself. Miyah tries her best and makes me smile every day.

- 5th Grade

smiling girl with long blonde hair wearing a black t-shirt

Jasalyn has been a pleasure to have in class. She is always willing to contribute to class discussions and help others when needed. She is so polite and kind. I will miss her next year as she moves on to Junior High.

- 5th Grade

young man with brown hair hanging in his eyes wearing a dark gray t-shirt

Logan has really started putting in effort this year. He is kind to his classmates and always willing to help. He is always willing to help others.

- Jr High

young man with messy brown hair across his face wearing a gray hoodie

Cole is an extremely bright young man. I know that he currently has struggles, but I'm proud of the effort he's been making. Numerous students turn to Cole when they need help with a problem, and he's become a tremendous help around the classroom when I'm helping others.

- Jr High

young lady with red hair pulled back wearing a gray hooded jacket zipped up

Madison is a great student and a pleasure to have in class. She has a great personality and is always happy. Madison is always willing to help her peers. Madison works extremely hard in completing her work and turning it in when due.

- Jr High

Young man with brown hair wearing a black graduation cap & gown with blue & gold and orange & black cords

Owen is a quiet student who is a talented musician, artist, and writer. He has advanced computer skills. Owen is ready to graduate and I know he will be successful at anything he puts his mind to!

- High School

smiling young lady with long-brown hair wearing a tan sweatshirt

In order to be more successful in Geometry, Jada asks questions in class, is a positive participant, and comes in for extra help before school and during any free time. She balances all her coursework and extra-curricular activities effectively.

- High School

smiling young lady with long blonde hair wearing a maroon t-shirt under a gray unzipped jacket

Makayla is a joy to have in class! She always has a smile and a ready laugh! She has a great personality and is always kind to others. She is a good student who is always willing to help others. I am very proud of Makayla!

- High School

grinning girl with short, dark blonde hair swooped across her face wearing a red baseball t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

young man with brown hair wearing an aqua t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

young man with dark blonde hair wearing an olive green hoodie

Perfect Attendance

young lady with long, reddish hair and nose ring wearing a black sweatshirt

Perfect Attendance