Presque Isle Academy
20830 Cedar Street / P.O. Box 731,
Onaway, MI 49765
Voice 989-733-6708  /  Fax 989-733-6701
Be Incredible!

Our Mission: to provide innovative

and responsive educational experiences through non-traditional

programs that effectively meets the

needs of at-risk students.


Our Vision:

to provide students the opportunity to be in control of their education and safe in their learning environment.

Life is a gift...Accept it.
Life is an adventure...Dare it.
Life is a mystery...Unfold it.
Life is a struggle...Face it.
Life is a puzzle...Solve it.
Life is an opportunity...Take it.
Life is a mission...Fulfill it.
Life is a goal...Achieve it.
                                 -Author Unknown

To ensure that we continue to move forward with our students, we have  created a Continuity of Learning Plan. 
click for additional information
McKinney-Vento Act